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How to Cheat a Polygraph Test


Many people are worried about being asked to take a lie detector test. These tests can be used in job interviews, criminal cases, and screenings.

Despite being called “lie detectors,” they don’t actually detect lying. Luckily, there are ways to cheat the test. One trick is to increase your physiological responses during control questions.

  1. Relax

One of the easiest ways to pass a polygraph test is simply to relax. This may sound obvious, but many people still search for more specific hacks such as taking a sedative, applying antiperspirant, or even stabbing themselves. This would skew the results and confuse the examiner, allowing them to pass with ease. Aldrich Ames, the infamous NSA whistleblower, used to employ a similar tactic. He would bite his tongue while answering the control questions, increasing his physical reaction. This would make his responses to the relevant questions look truthful in comparison.

Other tricks include daydreaming or imagining your favorite place to help keep you calm and in control of your physiological response. Increased perspiration and heart rate are indicators of lying, so keeping your body cool during the exam is important. If the examiner can see that you are manipulating your body, they will be alert to any bluffing. They may then re-question you.

  1. Bite your tongue

While a lot of people on the internet are suggesting ways to cheat a polygraph test, most of them don’t work. Biting your tongue, putting a tack in your shoe to use pain to affect blood pressure and breathing, and imagining lying while telling the truth all won’t change your reaction or cause you to sway the machine’s readings.

The examiner starts with control questions to establish a baseline reading for your heart rate, blood pressure, and breath. Then he asks you comparison questions that are more closely related to the crime or situation. Some examinees try to answer these questions truthfully in order to skew the results later on by making their honest answers look worse than their lies.

You can also try to answer the controls vaguely or strangely to make it harder for the tester to get a read on your normal reactions. Some even go as far as thinking of something stressful to increase their heart rate and breathing to sway the machine’s reading.

  1. Clench your anal sphinctre

The back passage, called the anus, has two rings of muscle. The inner ring, the internal anal sphincter, is an involuntary muscle that is programmed to stay closed at all times (except when you are trying to poop). The outer ring of muscle, the external anal sphincter, is a voluntary muscle you can tighten consciously to close the anus more firmly.

The idea behind this technique is that by clenching the muscles, you will increase perspiration and heart rate, which can make it harder for the polygraph machine to pick up on lies. However, this is not a foolproof method because some polygraph machines include pressure sensitive seat pads that can supposedly detect even a tiny clench.For more info, do visit this website Lie Detector Test.

In addition, some people are not allowed to take a polygraph test because it can be difficult to determine whether they are lying, including those who have certain mental illnesses or other medical conditions (such as epilepsy). But if you’re determined to cheat a lie detector test, new technology that measures brain activity may provide a way around the current system.

  1. Don’t listen to the questions

It is often believed that a hardened criminal or someone with special training can beat a lie detector test by employing various techniques to manipulate physiological indicators. These techniques can include induced pain (biting your tongue, inducing nausea, using a stress ball), controlled breathing, and even daydreaming about things you find soothing.

The examiner will start the test by taking your blood pressure, heart rate, and sweat level to establish a baseline. This will be used to compare your responses to the relevant questions and the so-called control questions. By subtly altering your physiological response to the control questions, you can make them seem to register as truths and thus render the polygraph useless.

To do this, simply think about your favorite vacation destination or something else you find soothing. Also, try to rephrase the question or phrase it in a different way that will change how you interpret it. For example, instead of saying “have you ever lied about anything serious,” say, “have you ever stolen money?”.


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